Sunday, July 25, 2010


Read Matthew 8

Jesus' miracles in the Bible seem so routine that we can miss the power and love expressed in everything He ever did. When I read through Matthew 8 recently a few things stood out about His miracles.

What I first noticed was how people came to Him to ask for His help. There was something about Him, something different about Jesus that drew people to Him. Second, I noticed Jesus' response was different each time. There wasn't a prescribed way Jesus performed His miracles. For some He touched the person He was going to heal and for others He simply spoke and the miracle happened. Lastly, I noticed the response of the people involved in every miracle wasn't the same. Some were told to go to the priests and make an offering as a testimony of the miracle. Others believed Jesus could simply speak and heal, so their trust and faith in God was praised by Jesus. And others were terrified of Jesus' power so they asked Him to leave town.

What we need to think about when it comes to Jesus' miracles is whether or not we trust Jesus has the power to perform miracles today. I know it's a tough thought but really - do we think Jesus can do the miracles of His day in ours? Friends a miracle is something only God can do. Sometimes I think we call miracles thinks that fall outside this definition of miracles. But let's remember our God is able to do anything and that His power and love is just as active today as it was in His day. So let's believe God can perform the miracle of salvation in the lives of our loved ones and trust He's going to do it. And don't forget, this trust includes our participation in doing whatever part God desires from us.

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