Sunday, November 20, 2011

Generous on Every Occasion

Read 2 Corinthians 6:9-11

God's desire is that on every occasion we would be generous with what we have. This biblical principle reflects the character and nature of God. As followers it should also reflect our character and nature as believers desiring to be the people God wants us to be.

So what gets in our way? What blocks us from being generous with what God has freely blessed us with? While the answers abound, the few that come immediately to mind are selfishness and mindlessness. So often we get wrapped up in our own lives and what we need and want that we forget about others. It happens more than we'd like to admit. And quite frankly, we focus on ourselves with our needs and wants while missing that so many of us are blessed beyond belief.

One of the real dilemmas we face is we think this is about the other guy. We think it's the other guy who is blessed beyond belief while we are just trying to get by. However, when we stop and evaluate our abundance it's a quick reminder that we have so much in life and God wants us to bless others so that they might come to know Him. Listen, we're talking about blessing others so that through generosity the result will be thanksgiving to God. Let's not ever miss that.

This Thanksgiving - consider how you might be a blessing to others. Maybe it's through a physical need, an emotional need, a relational need or some combination of the these needs. Whatever it is - be generous on every occasion because God is good; because God is worthy to be praised. So let's live our lives with generosity on every occasion giving thanks to God in every way possible.

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