Sunday, June 5, 2011

Message of Clarity

Read Matthew 9:1-8

All of us would agree, at least from time to time, that reading the words of Jesus recorded in the gospels often leave us scratching our heads. Case in point is Matthew 9:1-8. A man who is paralyzed is brought to Jesus and His response leaves us confused. After seeing their faith Jesus says, "Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven." Can you imagine hearing these words and thinking what was that all about?! I mean seriously why does He tell this man His sins are forgiven. What's that all about? Is it because of this man's sin that he was paralyzed is a question that comes to mind.

Yet Jesus doesn't leave us hanging for long. In verse five and six He explains. Tells those charging Him with blasphemy that for Him it's just as easy to say your sins are forgiven as it is to say get up and walk to a paralyzed man. He was giving them a sign, healing a man physically to show that He can do so much more than what's physical. He can heal us of our sin.

Don't miss the last verse. Matthew 9:8 tells us the crowd praised God for what Jesus had just done. This is so important - that not one of us neglects to praise God for His amazing gift, forgiving our sins!

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