Sunday, June 12, 2011

Focused Ministry

Read Acts 6:1-8

It happens in every ministry - people complain. In Acts 6 we catch a glimpse of the complaining going on between widows who were feeling like they were not being treated fairly. So the Twelve apostles gathered the disciples to devise a plan so they could remain focused on their ministry.

The plan - let us do what we have been called to do; so in the meantime let's choose seven men, known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom who will take over this responsibility of serving food to the Grecian and Hebraic Jews. They did this so their ministry of prayer and ministry of the word would continue.

Check out the results of their plan - "the proposal pleased the whole group" and the word of God spread as the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, while a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.

Focus yourself on the ministry God called you to and remember the results will draw people into commitment and obedience to Him.

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