Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reflecting God's Attributes

Read John 4:1-24

I just finished reading the book - God: As He Longs for You to See Him by Chip Ingram. As Chip wraps up the book he concludes with the story of the woman at the well in John 4. And within this story he summarizes both the story and his book as follows:

He (Jesus) gave her (the woman at the well) a glimpse of God himself, Jesus, the exact representation of God (Heb. 1:3) and the embodiment of the fullness of God (Col. 1:19), showed God's character to someone who just went out to get some water. He was good to her, genuinely concerned for her welfare. He was sovereign, knowing the details of her past and aware of the divine appointment that led to their conversation. He was holy, confronting her sinfulness. He was wise, demonstrating the ability to draw her in without rejecting her as everyone else had done. He was just, not letting the judgments of men affect his mercy for this sinner, and dealing with her honestly and fairly from an eternal perspective. He was loving, patiently answering her questions and seeking her salvation above all else. And he was faithful, carrying out his will for an entire community through the witness of one redeemed sinner.

This story is one of many in which Jesus powerfully reflects the attributes of God. If you ever questioned whether God wants for you to see Him, Jesus is the clearest answer. Friends what if - what if we reflected these attributes of God wherever we go? What if we were continually aware of the greatness of God's character by reflecting it in our own lives? Can you imagine the impact we'd make for Christ? I want to live like that - and I'm sure you do as well. Let's consider the life of Christ, His example, and follow it with the power and strength given by the Holy Spirit of God so that wherever we go, God is with us and we're worshiping God in spirit and in truth. To God Be the Glory!!

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