Sunday, July 15, 2012

God is...Higher

Read Isaiah 55

We don't like to admit it, but our way isn't always the best way.  Some might say they know the way but when you follow their "short-cut", their directions you wind up lost and off-course for awhile.  Some might say they have a better way to finish that home improvement project but you know someone who's tried it their way before and wound up running into more problems than anticipate.  And some of us might say we have a better way to handle that relationship, our finances, even our life's purpose, but Isaiah tells us God's ways, His thoughts are higher, better than ours.

So we have this battle within us to fight our way versus God's way.  And what gets in my way is my way.  Think about that for a moment; we are called as Christians to be Christ followers.  But so often we think, feel and act as if it's God who should be the one following. 

Let's remember Isaiah's words that as far as the heavens are above the earth so are God's ways higher than our ways.

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