Sunday, December 25, 2011


Read 1 Peter 5:7

Although we may know this verse in 1 Peter by memory, when we reflect on the life situations we've faced over the past year it doesn't make it any easier to handle does it? While God wants you and I to cast all our anxiety on Him because He cares for us, we often have a difficult time with this because what we've faced has been so difficult.

Anyone had a tough year? 2011 may have been a tough time but God is bigger than everything we've faced and He will ultimately redeem it for His own glory. The hard part, at least for me, is figuring out how. How is He going to redeem it? And when? You know what I mean?

Listen, writing this doesn't mean I get it right every time. Truth is what I write is more often than not something I'm continuing to learn and apply in my own life. But maybe together we can be encouraged and be reminded of the faithfulness of our God. He is not only faithul but He's able to do much more than all we think, ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

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