Sunday, November 27, 2011

Living it out

Read Romans 13:8-14

The law of love is expressed in Romans 13:8-14. It's a law of continuing in the debt of loving one another because when we love one another we fulfill the law. Paul tells the Romans the commands are summed up in this one rule - Love your neighbor as yourself.

Wouldn't life really be a whole lot simpler if we really understood this godly principle and lived it out with the power and help of the Holy Spirit? Now let's be honest, life isn't all that simple because people have issues. You have issues, I have issues, everybody has issues. But Paul concludes his thoughts this way - whatever happens let's clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is our foundation and our strength; our hope and our ability to living it out - the law of love.

The only ongoing debt we are told in Scripture to keep is this continuing debt to love one another. A word of caution - loving others doesn't always mean we do what they want, give what they want, jump when they say jump. Loving others is taking the word of God, listening and learning and following the Spirit of God as He directs you and me to live out our faith. There is no formula for what this looks like, when to act or when not to. But there is the word of God that informs and instructs and tells us what we need to know to live holy and godly lives. Loving God and loving people is what our faith is all about. Follow Him in actions and attitudes and trust that God will lead us to live it out one day at a time.

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