Sunday, October 16, 2011

From Alienation to Reconciliation

Read Colossians 1:21-23

The gospel is mentioned throughout the New Testament; by Jesus and His followers. But really what is it? What's the message of the gospel?

While in seminary one professor referenced 1 Corinthians 15 where the Apostle Paul writes the gospel is about Jesus' life, death, burial and resurrection as a great passage to help explain what the gospel is. And for years it's been where I've turned for perhaps one of the best explanations of what the gospel is all about. However, the other day I read Colossians 1:21-23 and saw something perhaps even better (if that's even possible to compare one part of scripture as "better" than another).

Paul writes to the Christians at Colosse and says the gospel is simply this - before you came to know Jesus as the forgiver of your sins and leader of your lives you were alienated, living as enemies of Christ because of our evil and sinful behavior. But now God has reconciled our relationship with God by the physical death of Jesus. He writes anyone who believes this is "holy in his sight" because by faith we've accepted Jesus' work on the cross, His paying for our sins sacrifically what we could never pay by our own effort.

Friends this is the gospel that was proclaimed in Jesus and Paul's day; and it's this gospel we are to share today with every creature under heaven. Listen, God desires that no one should perish and experience eternal separation from Him. So let's be part of sharing this message so all mankind can go from alienation to reconciliation with our heavenly Father.

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