Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chosen People

Read 1 Peter 2:9-10

Did you read 1 Peter 2:9-10? If not please stop and take a minute to read it before continuing.

Now that you've read the passage - take a second look at Peter's words. One word describes my feelings and thoughts when I come across this passage - powerful. Did you see what we are? We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a people belonging to God. Wow! That is just so powerful.

That the God of all creation would choose us, call us a royal priesthood and holy nation and claim us as people belonging to Him - I can't wrap my head around the magnitude of that. We are the chosen people of God and while we can get stopped dead in our tracks, amazed at the connection we have with God, I love even more what Peter says next. He tells us what we are to do as a result of being God's chosen people.

He says we are all these things so that we may declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness and into His wonderful light. The question I believe God wants us answering every day is how are we declaring His praises. Are we declaring His praises every day, no matter what's happening in our lives?

What helps you and I declare God's praises is remembering. Remembering we are God's chosen people; remembering we were once in darkness but now we're in His light; and remembering we have received God's mercy. It's by His mercy that we are the people of God. Let's praise Him with everything we have because after all that is why we are here and what we are called to do.

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