Sunday, August 7, 2011

Shepherds Heart

Read 1 Peter 5:1-4

Peter writes this passage to believers who were enduring times of difficulty. Their lives weren't set on cruise control. They were having tough times because of nothing they had done wrong. In times like this Peter appeals to the elders to care for the flock that is under their care, to shepherd them willingly and with eagerness. He wants them to be examples of Christ to those they are leading knowing when the Chief Shepherd appears they will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

Leaders today are not usually seen in a positive light. As Peter mentions many lead with bad intentions: lording it over those entrusted to them and being greedy for money. One of the distinctions that's so apparent in Scripture is God's calling to believers to live in truth and love. When we follow God's way leading looks a whole lot different than when we follow the way of the world.

God's desire is that we live in loving relationship with Him and one another. This is why Jesus said believers would be known by the love they share with one another. This family kind of love is what sets us apart. We love because He first loved us and we can love like this because we know the Father's love for us because of Jesus.

Jesus is our Chief Shepherd with the perfect shepherds heart. When we are in the body of Christ together, no matter our role we are to pattern our attitudes and actions after our Chief Shepherds heart. Consider Jesus' life. Think about all He said and did on behalf of others, especially His disciples. And ask the Spirit of God to guide you into being part of leading God's people with this same kind of love.

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