Sunday, May 29, 2011


Read Philippians 1:2-7

Who do you know as well as Paul knows the Philippians? People that you can say like Paul does about his friends in Philippi that they are partners together in the gospel?

Paul's words come across as great encouragement to the Philippians. He's confident of their faith, filled with joy because of their commitment to Christ and recognizes that God isn't done with the Philippians.

Friends, it's important for all of us to have a Paul in our life and be a Paul to someone else. We all need people to encourage us and partner with us and contend with us for the faith in Jesus Christ. This world throws a lot of discouragement and distraction when we want to live obedient to the word of God. So who is it you know that's cheering you on? Who is it you now that's celebrating when you're celebrating and praying with you when you need prayer? All of us are in this together and we need one another. God repeats Himself over and over with commands for us to come alongside one another as brothers and sisters in faith so that the word and work of God will be carried on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Pray this week for the people in your life. Thank God for those who have been like Paul to you and ask God to show you who you can be like Paul to.

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