Sunday, June 26, 2011

Simply the Best

Read Malachi 1:6-14

"I'm doing the best I can" is a phrase uttered in virtually every relationship we can think of. It's said between husband and wife, parent and child, teacher and student, employer and employee, coach and player. Think about it, it's a saying we utter without giving it the thought it really demands. To say "I'm doing the best I can" is a bold statement. And it's a statement many followers of Christ might not want to admit we make, but whether we say it out loud or simply believe it inside, the truth is we don't always give God our best.

The prophet Malachi points out the imperfect sacrifices of the priests and people, demonstrating the content of their hearts. The people weren't sincere and Malachi confronted this attitude with the Word of God which was clearly calling for unblemished sacrifices and sincere hearts.

Malachi tells us in Malachi 1:6-14 how God feels when we give less than our best. God is the best of the best so what He wants from us, deserves from us is simply the best. Read this passage, then meditate on how all of us are called to give God our very best. Our very best attitude and effort in every way possible. Remember what God says in v. 14 - "For I am a great King" and "My name is to be feared among the nations."

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