Sunday, February 6, 2011

Until the Whole World Hears

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Casting Crowns is one of my favorite Christian musical groups today. I enjoy their lyrics which call us to focus our lives completely on Christ and this generation which needs Christ. Until the Whole World Hears tells us it's our responsibility to always be prepared to share our faith. To ready ourselves simply means to share our praises of our Lord and Savior, lifting up His name for all to hear of God's grace and mercy. And we're to do this so that as the day draws near, when Christ returns or calls us home as many as we can positively influence for eternity and for Christ will make a choice to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

So the question to consider this week is this - will we live lives that are impassioned with the vision of this Casting Crowns song? Will we live lives that no matter what the cost we'll do whatever it takes and whatever is necessary so the people in our world will accept Jesus as the forgiver of our sins and leader of our lives. Friends live lives this week where your praises and service reveal that your single purpose for living is sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ Until the Whole World Hears.

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