Sunday, April 25, 2010

Complaining While God's Sustaining

Read Numbers 11

If ever in the Bible there was a time and a place for a wine and cheese party we'd be hard pressed to find it anywhere else but in the book of Numbers. Now throughout the Old and New Testaments there's a lot of evidence of whining and complaining. But it's one of the unfortunate themes of the book of Numbers. You see the people had just come out of Egypt where they had been slaves. And here they are delivered miraculously by God and they are in a waiting period. They are waiting to follow God's lead as they journey as a nation toward the Promised Land, Canaan.

Take a quick look at Numbers 11 and you'll find that Israel was whining and complaining about their circumstances. Ever do that? Complain about your own circumstances? And you see the problem was this, they were complaining even though God was providing. I find that we can all be like the Israelites, complaining even though we have what we need. Our problem is our wants outweigh our needs.

God doesn't take lightly Israel's complaints. Read the text and you'll see some severe consequences associated with their complaints. I suppose the lesson for us is God wants us understanding consequences are associated with our actions. So when God provides and we whine be careful. Our complaining when God's sustaining is like a slap in the face of God.

Take some time this week and check how God's taking care of you. No matter where you are or what situation you find yourself in, if you look and you look close enough you'll see God sustains His children all the time. He's always aware of what we need. So may we live with an attitude of appreciation and acceptance rather than complaining and whining. God isn't finished what He started with any of us. So let's consider that He knows what He's doing and say thank you as we wait for His plan to play out. God's Best!!

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