Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Life

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17

It’s a simple passage with a simple message – Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! Yet there’s a deep message in this little verse.

I think too much. So when I read a small little passage like this my mind goes in all sorts of different directions. One thing I think about is all the different things that I’ve experienced that have been new in my life and how I reacted when they were new. When I bought my first car, got my first job, lived in my first apartment, first met my wife, first got married, bought our first house, first became a parent, bought our second house – the list goes on and on. But when I think about how I responded to the new things in my life there was a level of excitement and enthusiasm; a level of intrigue and interest that for some reason, over time begins to change. And the newness starts to wear off. Do you notice that in your experience?

The Bible is full of examples where we’re told God is making things new. He’s doing it all the time. And when we come into this right relationship with God, then we need to realize how important it is to keep reminding ourselves we’re supposed to live in the newness of our new lives in Christ because the old has gone.

My point is this – we have new life. Let’s live each day with this in mind. Let’s live each day knowing God has made a change in us that only He could make. And He’s continuing to change us into the image of His son. This is the best life we could ever hope for. Not that we get all the things this world has to offer, but that we get to have a right relationship with the creator of all things! Friends, new life is amazing. It’s amazing because our sins are forgiven and we get to have a relationship with God. That is enough!

If you look around, in the lives of others and sometimes it’s even true in our own lives, too often and sadly this isn’t enough if we’re being honest. God wants us to understand something – new life is the best life this life has to offer. And it’s all possible when we are in Christ. Be in Christ this week. Take time to be with Him and live in relationship with Him. He’s waiting for us everyday to be with Him. To me that is amazing!! May it be amazing to you as well!! God Bless you this week.

1 comment:

  1. This verse truly is an amazing thought, and it has been on my mind lately. We have new life, we are new creatures, God has made us new. Praise the Lord Jesus for all that he has done in our lives.
