Sunday, April 8, 2012

God Will Strengthen

Read Ezekiel 2:1-10

Let's be honest - if you've read even a little bit from the Old Testament book of Ezekiel, it's not the easiest of books to understand. That's because it's a book of prophecy with symbols and visions. However, it's a great book because it helps us when we're wrestling with our faith, with life and with the realities we all face in this world.

Ezekiel 2 tells us about God's calling for Ezekiel. He's told he is being sent to speak to the Israelites who are a rebellious nation that has rebelled against God. God describes them to Ezekiel that they are "obstinate and stubborn." And He gives Ezekiel a warning that the Israelites may listen or fail to listen to the words God has given him to give to His people.

This is not exactly the pep talk any of us would like to hear as we listen for God's voice to give us direction to go into battle for Him, is it? Most of us want to hear - you can do it; you've got this; don't worry, you can handle whatever is coming your way; people will listen to you and follow you.

But that's not what God tells Ezekiel. God tells him the truth. The Israelites are a rebellious people, but as verse 7 says I believe God wants all of us speaking His words, whether people listen or not.

Friends God knows more than we know. He knows that some people will make decisions to follow Him and some people will make decisions not to follow Him. But the calling God gives Ezekiel, the calling He gives us isn't based on the reception we receive. It's based on His desire to be in relationship with His people.

So God wants us trusting Him and knowing that God will strenthen us every step of the way. So whatever you and I think of Ezekiel, let's remember His name literally means - God will strengthen. And knowing this about God's character, no matter what you and I are called to let's be focused on the cause for speaking the truth about Jesus.

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