Sunday, February 26, 2012


Read Ezra 3

After Israel had been in captivity and they were returning to Jerusalem, there was a rebuilding project taking place. First the altar was set up, the ancient sacrifices were restored and the foundations of the Temple were laid. All this was met by the Israelites with mixed emotions. First we're told in verse 3 the people were afraid of the peoples around them. Later we read as the Temple foundations were laid (v. 12) many of the older priests and Levites and family heads who had seen the former temple, wept aloud when they saw the foundations of this temple being laid, while many others shouted for joy.

Mixed emotions often come when we're faced with rebuilding in our lives. The Israelites fear was real. Those around them weren't happy to see their enemies, the Israelites, rebuilding Jerusalem. So Israel was right to express fear. However, the people understood as Ezra writes in verse 11 the Lord is good and His love endures forever.

Whenever we're faced with times when we have something happening in our lives where rebuilding is necessary, remember who God is. Remember He is good and His love endures forever. Why is this important? Because when we're in broken times, all we got is God. You see, who He is really is all we got anyway. Isn't that true?

When we read Old Testament stories like Ezra and realize the emotions they faced are emotions we face, we can understand what really matters in life is who we know. When we know God we can face our fears. Listen, fears come when opposition exists; but no opposition can withstand the goodness and love of God. With God all things are possible.

So no matter what needs rebuilding in your life, trust what we learn in Ezra. Build on the foundation of God's goodness and love - who He is. And let's give whatever needs rebuilding in our lives to this good and loving God.

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