Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Little Things...

Read Judges 2

So often we quarrel about the little things, we think they really don't matter. And generally speaking that is so true. But when reading through the book of Judges recently (and admittedly after reading through Joshua as well) it is quite clear the little things matter.

While preparing to speak at Hope's recent annual Men's Weekend retreat, it was clear studying Joshua's life and Israel's history that God cares about the little things. Time after time we see Israel missing the little things and consequences follow. When Moses chose to strike the rock instead of obeying God who told Moses to speak to the rock so that water would come out for the Israelites, Moses suffered the consequences. Then in Joshua when the Israelites didn't completely listen to God in Joshua 7 and 9, again consequences came when they skipped over the little things. Now in Judges we see Israel not following the little things God required of them.

Listen, what seems like little things to you and me are not so little to God. He is a holy, just, and righteous God who desires that our lives follow Him without skipping over the little things. We can all admit this is hard, but God doesn't call us to do what He doesn't equip us to do.

Spend time reading and learning from the mistakes made by the Israelites in Judges 2. And let's not skip over the little things in our lives but consider even these little things to be big in God's sight.

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