Sunday, April 17, 2011

In Christ

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-19

So often we think we can do whatever we set our minds to. And while it's true we can do some pretty amazing things once our minds our set, there's one thing no one can do no matter how determined we are. Yet many insist we have to be able to do this one thing. Some think this way because of pride, while others think this way because that's just the way they've always thought. If I can put my mind to anything I can do it.

This one thing the Bible makes perfectly clear repeatedly is about how we are reconciled with God. Take a few minutes and read 2 Corinthians 5:17-19. Paul makes one thing clear - only in Christ is it possible for the world to be reconciled to himself and our sins not counted against us. This isn't something we can do; it's just not possible. But God, in Christ chose to do the work because it was something ONLY he could do.

Listen, God's love is available to everyone. Yet this passage tells us only those who are in Christ are reconciled with God and only those who are in Christ will not have their sins counted against us. This reveals that if anyone is not in Christ then they are not reconciled or in a right relationship with God and their sins will be counted against them. This is why it is so important to first understand what it means to be in Christ and then accept our responsibility for being people who share this good news. In Christ simply means we have accepted God's transfer of His sons righteousness into our lives, not based on our works but based on Jesus'. And because Jesus' righteousness is transferred to all who accept this gift our sins will not be counted against us. This is good news because everyone has the opportunity to receive this gift. Take time this week and pray about God's design that we can be in Christ simply by accepting what we celebrate this week. Jesus' life, death, burial and resurrection.

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