Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Follow Him Into Eternity

Read Matthew 19:16-26

Jesus talks of a rich young man in Matthew 19. This rich young man asks perhaps one of the most important questions in all of history - what must I do to get eternal life? Jesus simply tells him, obey the commandments. And this begins an incredible dialogue we would all be served well to engage in ourselves.

The man tells Jesus he's kept all the commands Jesus lists, yet Jesus knows what's holding this man back. Remember, he's a rich young man. His wealth it's what's keeping him for complete commitment to Christ. What's in your way? You see some of us misinterpret this passage to read we're all to go and sell everything we have. Jesus' example with this rich young man is about what's in his way of full devotion to God. So if it's wealth that gets in your path so that you're not following Jesus, get rid of it. If it's something else, get rid of it. The point is, whatever is in your way - let it go, because it's not worth eternity separated from God. Hearing this conversation, the disciples asked, "Who then can be saved?" Great question! Jesus gives a great reply - with man this is impossible (meaning we can't save ourselves) but with God all things are possible (that's why we need a Savior).

Praise Him that He gives eternal life to all who by faith follow Him.

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