Sunday, February 20, 2011

God's Perspective

Read Isaiah 1:1-17

So many times I think we get it wrong. We think God is just like us. Don't get me wrong we probably would never say it out loud but the way we act shows that we think we're better than we are. And the truth be told our perspective is completely different from God's perspective.

In Isaiah 1 we read how God gives the prophet this vision to speak to the people of Judah during the reign of several kings. And what's important to realize is what has God's attention is how God raised this nation as his own, they are His children yet the case against Judah is made - "they have rebelled against me." That's quite an accusation, but God builds on this charge to say the people have "forsaken the LORD" and "spurned the Holy One of Israel." Now these are serious charges, much more than a traffic violation or a misdemeanor in our day. They are serious because whenever the children of God by their words or deeds diminish the name of God there's a serious problem.

Later God reveals that it's their head and heart that are injured and afflicted; their sacrifices are "meaningless" and God simply says about all this - "my soul hates" these things. Wow! Can you imagine God's perspective being this way toward our actions and attitudes? He even says that when these people spread out their hands to pray that He will not listen to their requests.

Friends make no mistake this is God's perspective when we rebel against Him. Yet this isn't how the children of God need to relate to the Lord Almighty. He wants us 100% committed to our relationship with Him. So much so that everything else in life - our relationships, career, health, even our ministry falls into the right perspective when compared to the wisdom and knowledge of knowing our amazing God. You see our God is Holy and worthy of our praise and adoration. Let's remember God's perspective goes beyond this kind of judgment and accusation because He desires to receive our praise and honor and glory given to Him. There is no one like our God, let's make God's perspective our perspective and honor Him with our head, heart and hands.

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