Sunday, September 26, 2010


Read Acts 20:1-38

Worthy - it's a word many of us know and some ascribe to ourselves. And we do this because we believe (at times at least) like we're deserving. At times we live with an entitlement mind-set. However, we know of only One who ever lived that was truly worthy, truly entitled and deserving of our praise - Jesus Christ.

Listen the passage in Acts 20 speaks of Paul's many trials and difficulties as he was living his life fully devoted to Jesus. And what strikes me most is what he says drives him toward this life. He says it in v. 24 - I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

Oh how all of us should be as passionate as Paul, considering our life worth nothing unless we finish the race God's given us personally to testify to the gospel of God's grace.

Now why was Paul able to say this? It's because he understood the gospel and he understood God's grace. He had a right perspective when it came to realizing God is worthy because He sent Jesus with the good news that God's grace is available to sinners like you and me. So Paul's full devotion, his daily life was a living sacrifice and reminder to all who came into his life that God's grace is enough; that God's worthy of our worship.

Worship God this week as you moment by moment give Him thanks with your life!

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