Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blessed Revelation

Read Revelation 1:1-3

The book of Revelation is either loved or hated. We're either hot and bothered by it's contents or we're luke warm to it. What I'd suggest is before we make up our minds about being indifferent to the writings of Revelation that we read Revelation 1:1-3 first.

We're told in verse three that everyone who reads these words of this prophecy is blessed when they hear the words and takes to heart what is written in it because the time is near. You see I know so many people who simply want to settle for themselves that Revelation says Jesus is coming back and that's all that really matters. While that's true, He is coming back and that is what really matters, it's not all that really matters. It's very clear the revelation John received and recorded is about the consummation of all things and those who make reading and taking to hear Revelation are blessed!

Friends we all know prophecy can be extremely difficult to read and understand. But with this promise of blessing it's most definitely a book that's worth reading. Let's take the time to know ALL of God's word; ALL of His promises: and ALL of His plans for human history. While it won't be easy, it will be worth it. Take some time, little by little and read the book that promises blessing. Take some time and take to heart what God has for all who desire to know God fully by reading and taking to heart EVERYTHING He has to say to each and everyone of us.

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