Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Goodness of God

Read Psalm 84:11

When is God good? Think about it, because how we answer this question says a lot about our view of God. Actually, this question is a set up question. Because God's goodness is not a matter of 'when.' His goodness is a matter of who He is, it's about the very nature and character of God. You see God is good - ALL THE TIME. It's who He is. Over and over and over again scripture tells us about the goodness of God. Read the history and psalms and stories of the Old and New Testaments and at least hundreds if not thousands of times we'll find scripture revealing the goodness of God.

Let's take a look at Psalm 84:11. Here we see that God is described as a sun and shield. The sun has power and brilliance and radiates the glory of God while a shield protects. So we have this picture of God shining in our lives, displaying His favor and honor, withholding "no good thing" from those whose walk is blameless.

Oh if we could just trust God in this! If we could just trust that God is good. You see if you're anything like me we all have this tendency to say or think God is good when something goes the way we want it to go or something happens and it goes in our favor. Recently my family had a medical report that a loved one's cancer does not require chemo! And the natural tendency is to say - YES, GOD IS GOOD. And He is, but not because of the favorable medical report. God is good because God is good; that's who He is.

God's goodness has nothing to do with our circumstances. His goodness has everything to do with who He is. Let's worship our good God, for He is good and worthy to be praised. Let's not catch ourselves saying God is good only when good things happen. God is good even when bad things happen. Let's love the goodness of God and know that God is good all the time; He is worthy to be praised and we are to be representatives of His goodness. Let's allow His character to affect our character. Enjoy God's goodness this week my friends!!

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