Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Follow Him Into Eternity

Read Matthew 19:16-26

Jesus talks of a rich young man in Matthew 19. This rich young man asks perhaps one of the most important questions in all of history - what must I do to get eternal life? Jesus simply tells him, obey the commandments. And this begins an incredible dialogue we would all be served well to engage in ourselves.

The man tells Jesus he's kept all the commands Jesus lists, yet Jesus knows what's holding this man back. Remember, he's a rich young man. His wealth it's what's keeping him for complete commitment to Christ. What's in your way? You see some of us misinterpret this passage to read we're all to go and sell everything we have. Jesus' example with this rich young man is about what's in his way of full devotion to God. So if it's wealth that gets in your path so that you're not following Jesus, get rid of it. If it's something else, get rid of it. The point is, whatever is in your way - let it go, because it's not worth eternity separated from God. Hearing this conversation, the disciples asked, "Who then can be saved?" Great question! Jesus gives a great reply - with man this is impossible (meaning we can't save ourselves) but with God all things are possible (that's why we need a Savior).

Praise Him that He gives eternal life to all who by faith follow Him.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Call My Name

Read Hebrews 12:1-2

Music has such an impact in life and in so many ways. Perhaps none more important than music with lyrics that call us back to our Heavenly Father. Third Day has a song titled Call My Name. It's lyrics and chorus go something like this:

When you feel like you're alone in your sadness
It seems like no one else in this whole world cares
And you want to get away from the madness
You just call My name and I'll be there
You just call My name and I'll be there

The pain inside
Has erased your hope for love
Soon you will find
That I'll give you all
That your heart could ever want
And so much more

Scripture gives us a passage that matches well with this song (at least as I see it). Hebrews 12:1-2 reveals a few things. First, there are things that entangle us. Things the author calls sin. And we're told to "throw off" the sin that so easily entangles us. But then it says "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith." Whenever life has you, whether in it's sadness or madness, let's focus on Christ who for the joy set before Him endured the cross and all it's suffering because there, in relationship with Jesus God gives us more than our heart could ever want.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Unplugged Power

Read Acts 1:8

Jesus promises His disciples when they see Him after His death they would receive power. And this power would be power from the Holy Spirit with a specific purpose. You see power can be used and generated for all sorts of things. Yet the power Jesus is talking about is the power of being His witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

When we think of this kind of power for this kind of purpose many of us would need to admit that we have an unplugged power within us. It's unplugged because we're uncomfortable sharing our faith with the world we live in. For some of us it's because we're not sure what to say or how to say it. This comes down to knowing how to comfortably and with clarity share the gospel, the good news of Jesus - who He is and what He's done for us in our lives. But for others, it's about not tapping into the power we have, the power of the Holy Spirit to share the message of Christ with the world. And if this is you here's a challenge - God has given us everything we need to live for Him. He's given us everything we need to be clear on what we're to be spending our time doing. All of us, as followers of Jesus, are commissioned to share the power of the gospel because as Jesus said I will build my church.

So if you're unsure what to say or how to say it - there's power in taking Class 401 at Hope. Class 401 is the class where you learn your personal style in sharing your faith; where you learn how to confidently share the message of Christianity with those in your circle of influence who so desperately need salvation. You're encouraged to sign up for this Discovery Class, which by the way is being offered March 27th at Hope.

Jesus desires you and I to go in the power of the Holy Spirit and share the power of the gospel with the world we live in. So let's take this promised power and plug into it so we may be a conduit of God Almighty's power.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Come Together

Read 1 Timothy 1:1-11

Years ago there was this song entitled Come Together and for some reason after reading this 1 Timothy 1 passage this title came to mind. So often in the church today we see sides drawn over issues that seem to divide us. Looking at 1 Timothy 1 we see Paul encouraging the Christian brothers to stay in Ephesus so they may "command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves" to things that stir up what promote controversies. Instead he writes what's most important to promote, what we're to come together on, is the work of God. So what is the work of God?

The context here is truth AND love. He's warning about heresy in doctrine and life. Today we need to be just as sure about our doctrine and our application of God's word. The two - truth and love - go hand in hand. Leave one out and we are sorely missing God's purpose, His plan for our daily lives where we're called to live completely devoted to the word and way of God.

The challenge this week - be a fan of God's law (His truth) and His love. Then go and be His disciples, giving glory to God as we come together sharing his truth and love wherever we go.