READ Luke 9:23-27
Jesus tells us transformation is possible but it comes at a cost. The cost is self-denial and followership. Luke 9:23-27 records Jesus’ words and speaks clearly about the importance of the cost of discipleship. He says we must lose ourselves for His sake. What He’s talking about is our own agenda must be the same as His agenda. All throughout the gospels He’s talking about the importance of the kingdom of God. So it’s necessary for us to know that we’re to be about building His kingdom and not our own. Whatever we find ourselves doing and wherever we are our God-given purpose is to allow God to work in us and through us for the benefit of our one on one relationship with God and our relationship with this broken world.
Friends don’t miss the importance of knowing that this world is in fact broken. What we see is only the beginning of difficulty and struggle and only when we align our lives with God’s purpose – that being to draw all men unto Him – will we remain steadfast and strong in our allegiance to living lives that matter in the coming kingdom of God.
Is there a cost for the transformation that’s necessary for all to be committed disciples of Jesus? Absolutely. Is it worth the price? No doubt. Will it be easy? No way. While we are free from the penalty of sin in our lives, the presence of sin is still among us. And we’re often tripped up by this presence of sin. It’s going to take God’s people working together, praying together and supporting one another together that the transforming cost will be worth the effort we make to live Holy Spirit filled lives. May all of us experience the blessings of God as we consider the cost each moment of each day that we make to live and love God. And may He always get the glory!